Again, like many of you, I pin everything and then do nothing with it. My boards are full of wonderful ideas that never come to life.
Yesterday, I vowed to change that! My children had a marvelous time in the bathtub for almost two hours.
They played with cloud dough (a mixture of flour and baby oil, found on play create explore blog) in the bathtub, because it was too humid and hot to play outside and I couldn't fathom the mess in my already dirty kitchen. This was followed by some bathtub paint...I don't know who to credit for this one, there are directions all over the web...we mixed shaving cream and food coloring in a mini muffin tin (they each got six colors). After awhile, I squirted some kids body wash over the top and it seemed to stick to the walls better.
When we decided to be finished, the three-year-old got a washcloth to wipe down the walls and the toddler got the job of rinsing all the dishes and paint brushes (so I could keep her sitting down in the slippery tub). Then everyone got a bath. If I'd had some, I would have thrown some glow-sticks in the water and turned the lights out and we could've made it a pinterest hat trick. (Again, I don't know who to credit for the glow-stick idea, I've seen it on Pinterest just about every day)
Here is what I learned...
- Food coloring mixed with shaving cream will not stain a fiberglass tub (thank goodness!).
- Two hours in a tub makes for some very tired and satisfied kids--we will be doing this again.
- There is nothing in this world that is any cuter than my toddler's bubble butt covered in specks of dough and rainbow shaving cream!